Liste des parquets en bois de Meri Meri / Tauroniro

Scientific name: Humiria balsamifera var balsamifera

Family: Humiriaceae

Standard name: Umiri

Other names: Bastran Bolletrie, Oloroso, Chanul, Tabaniro, Meri Meri

Wood Appearance

Heartwood varies from fawn colour to reddish-brown. Sapwood is not well defined. There is lustre

and texture is medium to fine. The grain is straight and often interlocked. The bole is cylindrical, 18-

20m in length, 50-90(-120) cm in diameter.

Physical and Mechanical Properties

Very hard, strong dense and highly durable wood. Weighs approximately 900 kg/m3 (56/ft3) seasoned.

Medium shrinkage, very stable once dry. Very good mechanical properties, good elasticity and

impact resistance:

• Kiln dried density (12%) - 950kg/m3

• Bending strength (at 12%) - 168 N/mm2

• Modulus of elasticity (at 12%) - 18800 N/mm2

• Crushing strength (at 12%) - 86 N/mm2

Natural Durability

Highly durable. Resistant to fungal attack even under unfavorable conditions of use. Good resistance

to termite attack

Timber Processing

Drying - Moderate rate recommended since risk of distortion is high.

Working - Power is required in sawing and machining. Blunting effect on saw is moderate. Prone to

chipped grain when grain is highly interlocked. Finishes smoothly even on the end-grain when grain

is straight.

Assembly - Glues well, nails and screws hold well.

Finishing - Varnishes and polishes without trouble.


Suitable for general house construction, panelling and flooring. Its attractive appearance makes it

suitable for furniture and decorative purposes. It can also be used for wheelwright work, counters

and work bench tops.


Species abundant in Guyana. Adequate supplies to meet any regular demand.

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